Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hope´s Messenger

by Dr. Lauren Nappen

Spirit is abundant with ways to have us bare the full measure of our soul, to learn the fine art of letting go, of loving detachment, of embracing the covenant of fresh starts and new beginnings and seeing the sum total as wondrous and magical. The process is not without its fair share of paradox either…if we don’t make room for change it will surely make it for us. And those moments of surprise…well…we fondly refer to those as crisis.

Crisis is a beautiful initiator especially if we are operating under the spell of a highly resistant strain of stubbornness, willful blindness, or selective hearing. Any combination thereof and perhaps we are living the life of ‘ignorance is bliss.’ The crisis can be anything so whether it’s an illness that doesn’t end, a child that never grows up, or a belief that hangs on for dear life, the common thread is the story of awareness and awakening. It challenges us to be mindful of what we’ve asked for, even if the asking felt like a dream that took place in some faraway land.

Evolve. Shape. Shift. Change. Grow. Revise. Refine. Alter. Modify. Convert. Transform. Transmute. Temper. Innovate. Change of mind. Change of heart. Change of season…so many different ways to get unstuck, to bust through the comfort zone and break free of patterns that eventually limit our awareness of ourselves. All can inspire a wide range of feelings from liberating to exhilarating with a bit of unnerving sandwiched in between. And Change itself isn’t even the issue! It’s how we feel about its timing that can wreak havoc on our state of vitality.

We welcome change when we’re tired of where we are yet judge it as bitter when the sweet taste of bliss is still swirling on the tip of our tongues. We intuitively crave a new experience when we’re bored with our story, have an itch we can’t quite scratch, or find ourselves feeling claustrophobic in the life we’ve designed. How easy it is to cry to the heavens when we think we cannot endure or beg for it when our impatience rises with the tide of things unresolved. Something's gotta give, right?

And yet more than once in our lifetime we will partner with the process. We will participate because what other option is there? It’s innate for us to draw towards ourselves the next steps in our growth. Rest assured Spirit will bring forward all the people, places and things necessary to generate our next adventure. It makes little difference whether change comes in the form of a new world view or we literally live somewhere new in the world. It’s our embrace, our openness, our invitation, our welcoming of the experience that matters most. And nestled within is the challenge to not run around in our consciousness, not grasp at straws to ease the uneasiness. Can we hold steadfast, beyond the fear of the unknown, until the light of dawn spills forth soulutions for our consideration?

Bear in mind and heart that there is more to ‘change’ than meets the eye. When you step into change, you hold Hope in your hands. Hope’s essence surrounds and infuses each journey because the winds of change are nothing more than Hope’s messenger. She sends us the answer to that deeper question, silently spoken ‘is this all there is?" Hope draws us inward to the truth of our inner spaciousness, that there is always more, and that there is indeed always room for more.

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